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Ruger began growing his mullet in Third grade, and he is now in Fifth grade. He walked into the barbershop and when he was asked how he wanted his hair cut, he told his mom he wanted a mullet. He was the only one in his age group that had this kind of hair cut and his teacher at the time thought it was pretty impressive that he wanted to step out of the box and grow such a different hair cut. Now he never wants to cut it off. When he is asked by adults, teachers, and even his football and baseball coach when he is going to cut his hair, he tells them NEVER! Ruger lost is Grandpa, a very important person in his life, in October of last year. Grandpa was the biggest Dodgers fan he had ever met. The LA in the side is in honor and in memory of him.
USA Mullet Champ proudly supports JAH4WW once again this year!
100% of the donations made during the 2024 competition will directly benefit JAH4WW, allowing them to continue their mission to “Serve Those Who Serve Us”.
Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors is a nationwide 501(c)(3) organization committed to providing Veterans who were wounded in combat with an accessible, mortgage-free, injury-specific homes.