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In February of 2024, I was tiring of my decently long hair, and considering a change. I always thought in the back of my mind that I could rock a mullet, but I never seriously considered it. However, that all changed one fateful night. In my slumber I dreamt of being on a jog through the neighborhood; nothing out of the ordinary. The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing, and I felt good. Suddenly, I paused and looked at my reflection in the window of a car parked along the sidewalk. I looked different, but in a good way, and then it hit me: I had a mullet! I snapped awake, and going about my usual weekend routine, I couldn't shake the vision of me, with a glorious, flowing mullet atop my head. Eventually, I looked to the Internet for further mullet inspiration, and soon couldn't hold myself back from leaving to the nearest barbershop and getting the literal and metaphorical mullet of my dreams. Ever since that impulsive and yet excellent decision, I haven't looked back. The feedback for my mullet has been overwhelmingly positive, and I even won the Best Overall category in my local FFA's Mullet Competition. I feel as though my hairstyle reflects who I am, and it enables me to confidently and unapologetically be myself everywhere I go.
USA Mullet Champ proudly supports JAH4WW once again this year!
100% of the donations made during the 2024 competition will directly benefit JAH4WW, allowing them to continue their mission to “Serve Those Who Serve Us”.
Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors is a nationwide 501(c)(3) organization committed to providing Veterans who were wounded in combat with an accessible, mortgage-free, injury-specific homes.