Get Ready to Cast Your Vote and Donate for the Ultimate Mullet: Support Jared Allen's Homes for Wounded Warriors!

Voting Closed

Greg Sky Luch – The G.L.M. Golden Lions Mane

Detroit, Mi

The Golden Lions Mane. A story of mullet dedication straight from the Motor City to the jungles of Southeast Asia. Greg Sky is three years old and has been seen rocking this masterpiece internationally everyday since the day he was born. He has never even had a different style. Haircuts are strictly for utility purposes ONLY, and they are cut just over the ears. The mane continues to grow and darken, often reaching its maximum length and fullness around 40 months of age. The mane serves as a symbol of maturity and dominance among other mullets, and it plays a significant role in attracting other mullet mates. This Golden Lions Mane is guaranteed to cement legacy in this noble endeavor. A bright example of the youth carrying the torch to the future generations of mullet immortality.

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Donation Information

USA Mullet Champ proudly supports JAH4WW once again this year!

100% of the donations made during the 2024 competition will directly benefit JAH4WW, allowing them to continue their mission to “Serve Those Who Serve Us”.

Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors is a nationwide 501(c)(3) organization committed to providing Veterans who were wounded in combat with an accessible, mortgage-free, injury-specific homes.

2024 Season Closed
