Get Ready to Cast Your Vote and Donate for the Ultimate Mullet: Support Jared Allen's Homes for Wounded Warriors!

Voting Closed

Cade Zick – The NorCal Heat

Redding, CA

My name is Cade I love football, the USA and mullets. We live in Redding, the greatest city in California! I spend my time swimming, playing sports and fighting with my brothers. One day I hope to take this mullet to the NFL so vote for me and don't forget "Cade Zick," the kid from Redding with the best mullet you have ever seen.

Help Fundraise for this contestant.

Donation Information

USA Mullet Champ proudly supports JAH4WW once again this year!

100% of the donations made during the 2024 competition will directly benefit JAH4WW, allowing them to continue their mission to “Serve Those Who Serve Us”.

Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors is a nationwide 501(c)(3) organization committed to providing Veterans who were wounded in combat with an accessible, mortgage-free, injury-specific homes.

2024 Season Closed
